Thursday Throw Down – Instagram vs Facebook

Today’s Thursday Throw Down is Instagram vs Facebook. To me, this is a simple answer. My favorite has been and will always be Facebook. While even Facebook can feel like mindless scrolling sometimes, in my opinion Instagram leaves much to be desired. I find it a nice visual place to look at people’s new dog…

Tuesday Tip – Taking Product Photos

Happy Tuesday everyone! Today’s tips are about product photography! Product Photography Although not by any means an expert, I’ve learned a lot about what buyers like in photos with a little bit of experimenting! First thing that is a MUST in my opinion is a light box. You can get them for like $12 on…

Feature Friday – JewelryByHeartANNA

Today me and my fellow bloggers are featuring the etsy shop JewelryByHeartANNA She sells jewelry, bags, bookmarks and more! I absolutely love beaded bookmarks. I think they are just so cute and make awesome gifts! I’m normally drawn to simpler jewelry but this piece is stunning! The shop also has supplies if you want to…

Thursday Throwdown – Summer or Winter

It’s Thursday y’all so time to throw down! This week’s topic? Winter or Summer I have to admit that my answer would not have been the same two years ago. I used to love Winter but now with two toddlers and another on the way, getting out of the house feel nearly impossible. Throwing my…

Tuesday Tips For Etsy Sellers

I’m assuming you’ve clicked on this post either because you’re a seller or want Ryu be! If you haven’t opened a shop yet and have been considering I say do it! The hardest part is starting and we just started this weekly tip series so if you’re interested in more info please follow blog! Today’s…

Made It To Monday (Jan 20)

Happy monday everyone! Monday is such an odd day you gotta feel sorry for it. I am a stay at home mom and even still Mondays are my least favorite day. I think it’s sort of built in from school days when Monday meant no sleeping in and no more staying up late. My in…

Self Care Isn’t Selfish

Hello readers! I hope everyone is having a great day! I am a stay at home pregnant mommy with two kids (2 and 1 years old). I love my life and love being a mom but let me tell you… Some days I am BEYOND exhausted. It took me awhile to realize that not taking…

A Day In The Life of Etsy Shop Owner Charlotte Wade

Charlotte is an amazing artist and owner of CWPhotoArt. I have bought a few items from this shop and have loved EVERYTHING. You can tell she puts her heart into her work and I simply adore her style! A Day in the Life of Charlotte I always wake up before 8:30am, by getting up early…

TheReallyCraftyStore Etsy Shop Highlight

As an avid etsy browser and buyer I come across a lot of amazing shops! Today I want to feature TheReallyCraftyStore I just love the fabrics she uses! It makes her shop such a refreshing place to shop! I got a chance to interview the shop owner Teresa and this is what she said! 1)…